Contact Us

Strada Statale 115, 92013 Menfi (AG)
Telephone: +39.0925.77111


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    Declaration of consent
    Having read the information below, I hereby consent to the use of my personal data in accordance with

    POLICY STATEMENT PURSUANT TO ART. 13 EU Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”):
    the personal information collected on the present web page will be handled in both paper and electronic format for the following purposes:
    a) To provide information on our products or receive information about our retailers;
    b) To send sales or information communications, including promotional emails (including our newsletter), advertising material and/or offers for goods and services, via any means (be they declared or otherwise), including, for exemplary purposes only, post, internet, phone, email, MMS, SMS, etc.
    The use of your information, as referred to in point a), is necessary to fulfil your request for information and refusing to do so may prevent you from accessing these services; whereas, with regard to the use of your personal information, as referred to in point b), you can choose to opt out, which will not affect your use of the services stated in point a). This information will be handled by internal personnel and communicated solely to authorised persons, and will not be distributed to any other parties of any kind. With regard to the information in question, you have the right to cancel its use at any time, in accordance with the laws foreseen in Article 7 of the aforementioned Legislative Decree, by writing to the Information Controller: Cantine Settesoli

    I hereby consent to the use of my personal information for the uses described in point a) (Information request)
    I hereby consent to the use of my personal information for the uses described in point b) (marketing purposes)